Friday, February 5, 2021

Student Swap Crisis

The ring of the school bell signaled the end of class but for English teacher Danika her work was far from over she had lessons to plan, worksheets to print out, and even essays to grade but before she could deal with all of that she had to deal with her current issue and that was a long line of students all with varying questions. It would take an entire hour before she would get to the final student, Marcel during their talk however there was a sudden electrical malfunction shocking the both of them and causing the pair to lose consciousness. Once they awoke both were in completely disbelief at their sudden situation, that they were now in each other’s bodies. Danika’s mind instantly started to run, managing to connect their electrical incident to their swapping bodies, she however understood that trying to recreate such an incident could leave the pair within a hospital. Thus without any options she told Marcel that they’d just have to live each other’s lives until they found a way to swap back, the young boy was very much worried about having to live the life of his teacher but she did her best to assure him saying she’d meet up with him over the weekend to prepare him upcoming week of classes.

Once arriving home however she was met with a speed bump, Marcel’s parents were super strict not allowing her to leave the house and instead forcing her to do all the chores her young student pushed back from dishes, washing clothes, garden work, to even wiping and cleaning all over the house. Despite all her hard work however her student’s parents didn’t allow her to go out even if it was to a teacher’s house, saying that if she had a question she could just ask it when going back to school they instead forced her to study stuff she long already have mastered. Faced with such an obstacle the young woman ever so inventive managed to find a solution, which was none other than sending all the information Marcel would need to teach paired with the lesson plan for the upcoming week in a simple to read email. By the time Monday rolled around Danika waited eagerly at the school more than an hour early wanting to help Marcel prepare but once he arrived she was left absolutely mortified.

Danika lives by herself in a little apartment and this in turn meant Marcel for the first time in his life didn’t have his controlling parents breathing down his neck, he could do whatever he wanted and what Marcel wanted to do was explore his new body and he did just that for almost the entirety of the weekend. The time Marcel didn’t spend playing with his new body was used on downing alcohol, the young man was so excited to finally be able to drink he never accounted for just how much booze his teacher’s body could handle. Left drunk not only on alcohol but the pleasure of his new body Marcel never bothered to even glance at the long document his teacher had prepared for him. Upon arrival Marcel was suffering a severe hangover and wearing an attire that was definitely not fit for a young woman who was supposed to teach children, Danika could do nothing but watch in horror as Marcel would ruin her career and life.

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