A young woman, Felisha, was quickly making her way through town running late for an appointment with a group of fellow scientists. The brilliant young mind was what one could consider the model child not only being an excellent student but also being a kind respectful child, this never changed with time and in fact only was elevated more so. In the present day Felisha was making her first steps into the scientific world getting a job at one of the most advanced facilities in the world, a site which focused on the development of future technologies. Now Felisha didn’t need to go searching for a job, being the daughter of a highly successful businessman she wouldn’t have to work a day in her life, she’s already made her parents so proud. But the young woman simply wasn’t content with living under the shadow of her family; she wanted to build her own wealth and write her name down as one of the greatest minds in history. Felisha planned on achieving such renown by unraveling the mysteries of the human mind, after years of research and experimentation she finally gained fruit for her labor, a device that allowed two individuals to read each other’s thoughts.
There was just one problem the day she was to show her invention to the higher ups within the facility, stress caused her to forget and now Felisha was paying the price for such a careless mistake having to sprint across town. At the same time another individual, Milo was also running but for completely different reasons, for he was a criminal fleeing from the police. Having been involved with the robbing of dozens of museums and banks, authorities were eager to finally have Milo behind bars, despite what his record says Milo was no master criminal. In fact he was considered quite the bumbling idiot leaving behind plenty of pieces of evidence which incriminated him, Milo himself wasn’t even the main mastermind behind his crimes instead being a mere grunt of a larger group of criminals. This made his capture essential to police seeing Milo as the gateway that would lead to the collapse of his crime syndicate, thus once he was spotted walking around town police immediately gave chase. As both continued to run they made a corner that would change their lives forever, both crashed into one another, a collision which broke Felisha’s invention but not before activating one last time in it’s corrupted state.
Felisha awoke in quite a dazed state blurrily saw police carry away a man, staring down at the remnants of her invention she didn’t know why but she now lost all interest in anything science related, especially her mind reading technology. In the span of a couple days the new Felisha began adjusting her life to better match her new preferences, the first to go was that boring old job no way was she going to waste her time on something like that and it’s not like she now possessed the intelligence to understand her former work. Felisha even questioned why she had any desire to work when her family was so stacked and besides she’s already worked hard enough so resting lavishly for the rest of her life sounded like utter perfection. The changes wouldn't stop there however Felisha found herself losing the attraction to men and having it replaced for women, she especially found herself and sisters quite sexy. By a month’s passing Felisha’s new life was completely foreign to her former one, her time was spent exclusively at the family’s mansions either being completely naked while goofing off or hosting costly parties where only women were invited. As for her parents they could only hold onto the hope that their daughter would return to her regular self, this hope however was misplaced for when Felisha’s invention broke it swapped her and Milo’s personalities. Leaving the young woman in such a state where she’d never want to rebuild her device, keeping both her and Milo forever trapped as they are, completely oblivious to the mental changes that have come over them.
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